Artist, Designer, Director

    Working in a number of disciplines, Brandon Hardy is a full-time artist. His work has been featured on Broadway, television, and across five continents. Formed by his interdisciplinary experiences, the body of his work is multifaceted in its theatrical grounding.

    Originally from New York, Brandon's endeavors in Fine Arts and Puppetry led to his work with renowned puppetry artist Basil Twist. A frequent collaborator with Twist, Brandon has acted as a design associate and builder for many of his shows. In the fall of 2014, Brandon was Associate Director for the New York premiere of Twist’s Rite of Spring at Lincoln Center.

    Presently, Brandon operates out of his studio in Greenpoint, Brooklyn, which is dedicated to design and construction of the fantastic and unusual. He is currently collaborating with artist Ali Goldaper to develop “Alice”, an original play with puppets.

    Brandon looks forward to growing the operation of his studio and continuing to work with the leading and growing minds in the world of art and design.